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With its central location, Unipark Hotel is within easy reach of most tourist attractions and business addresses in Guayaquil.All hotel's guestrooms have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts.All of the guestrooms are replete with air conditioning, internet access, in room safe, satellite/cable TV.Services and amenities available for guests at this Guayaquil accommodation consist of laundry service/dry cleaning, meeting facilities , room service, safety deposit boxes, disabled facilities, hotel/airport transfer, business center.In addition, the hotel's guests can enjoy the leisure and sports facilities provided on the premises: gym/fitness facilities, sauna.The hotel provides a warm and welcoming service of international standard.To make your booking at the Unipark Hotel Guayaquil, please enter the dates of your stay and sumbit our secure online booking form.
laundry service/dry cleaning | |
meeting facilities | |
room service | |
safety deposit boxes | |
disabled facilities | |
hotel/airport transfer | |
business center |
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